History of the Empire State Bonspiel

List of Empire State Bonspiels

The Empire State bonspiel was first held in 1955 and rotates among 4 clubs in New York State. It is open to all women from any geographic location.

In 1954, Schenectady Women Curlers held thier 2nd annual two event Bonspiel. It was poorly attended with only 5 clubs entering rinks. That year, Utica Glengarries cancelled their Bonspield due to lack of entries. The Westchester Wicks held their Bonspiel, but had difficulty filling it.

Mrs. John Fitzgerald of Utica was very concerned about this and contacted the Chairwomen of the Westchester Wicks, Mrs. John Fowler, and Mrs TImothy P. Ryan of the Schenectady Women Curlers to inquire if their clubs would be interested in a combined Bonspiel of three clubs, rotating between them. A meeting was held at the Ambassador East Hotel on May 5, 1954. Present were Mrs. Ronald Brownell and Mrs. Edgar Lortz of Utica; Mrs. Timothy Ryan and Mrs. Ashton Swick of Schenectady; Mrs. John F Fowler, Mrs. Rene Clarke, and Mrs Lincoln Siebert of the Westchester Wicks.

It was agreed that each club maintains the identity of its own trophy and Mrs. Ryan suggested that trophies rotate with the Bonspiel. Whichever club is hostess, will have its trophy as the first event, the following hostess will be the second event, and so on. A new medal, known as the Empire State Bonspiel medal, shall be awarded the Bonspiel winners in addition to the first event trophy.

The Bonspiel rotated between the 3 clubs: St. Andrews, Utica, and Schenectady until 1985 when St. Andrews folded. At that time, Ardsley took over the host duties of the third club. Subsequently, Rochester Curling Club was added as a fourth hosting club in 2009.

More history details

Also See Ardwicks Archives

List of Empire State Bonspiels

from the Historical Archives of the Ardsley Curling Club